Make a New User: Part 1

So you've got a linux server and successfully ssh'd into the server as root, what now?

Start by making a new user. Making a new user is a good practive, as logging in as root for extended periods of time is not a good security practice.

Making a New User

adduser USERNAME

Swap USERNAME with a name of your choice.

usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

This command adds the user to the sudoers group.



su means Switch User.

sudo whoami

This should output root. If it does not, continue below. If it does, log out of the server, and ssh in again as the new user. (ssh USERNAME@IP)


If you arent able to use sudo as your new user, try editing the sudoers file.

EDITOR=nano visudo


Scroll to the end of the file and add the following line:


Swap USERNAME with your username. Keep the rest of the line as is.

Hit CTRL + O, then release and hit y to confirm the save.

Then hit CTRL + X to close the file.


You should now have sudo privileges

~ Slate